Published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Copyright ©2011
Young, Ed, and Libby Koponen. The House Baba Built: An Artist's Childhood in China. Little, Brown for Young Readers. Print.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Reading Level: Grades 4-6
Lexie Reading Level: 900L
Accelerated Reader: 5.6
Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading: W
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In his memoir Ed Young recounts his time living with his large family in the house Baba built. He remembers difficult times during World War II and fun times playing with his family. This memoir takes a glimpse into what China was like during the second world war.
In his memoir Ed Young recounts his time living with his large family in the house Baba built. He remembers difficult times during World War II and fun times playing with his family. This memoir takes a glimpse into what China was like during the second world war.
5 words/phrases to describe the book: World War II, Family, Shelter, Community, Struggles.
Suggested Delivery: Independent Reading or Informational Reading.
Teaching Strategies:
The book's website offers teaching strategies and projects to use with the book on the topic of World War II. The Website and link to the strategies is listed below.
Before Reading:
As outlined in the educator's guide a good place to start is by reading the forward and discussing the quote "crisis does carry a blessing within its curse." taking about this quote before reading the book, or having the students write what they think about being happy in difficult moments means to them. This would be a good chance for students to make connections to when they have been in a sad situation and tried to find a silver lining (or one they may have seen on television).
During Reading:
Students can use the "irregular fold" activity during reading.
Students take a blank piece of paper and fold 2 opposite corners to the middle. In one section they list 6 words that amaze, amuse, or puzzle them from the text. In the second section students summarize what they just read (bonus points for using the above vocabulary words). And in the third section students draw a picture or a symbol of what they have just read.
This activity is meaningful for learning because students are using vocabulary and comprehension to fill out the paper.
After Reading:
This website can be used by students to get creative. By inserting a picture of a person or animal students can record their voices to make the picture appear as if is it talking. This tool can be used as an extra step as well as used by the teacher to give instructions.
After reading students can go to the website to see the next assignment. The great thing is that the directions can be replayed anytime.
The assignment I created was to have the students choose an event from The House Baba Built and create an original summary. After creating the summary students can choose an appropriate picture (could relate to the story or World War II) and create their own blabberize of the summary which can be shared with the class.
After Reading Instructions
After Reading Instructions
Underdog: a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest; a person who has little status in society.
Embassy: a group of people who work under an ambassador and represent
their country in a foreign country; the building where an ambassador lives and
Torrents: a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid.
Patriotism: love for or devotion to one's country
Resonant: (of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring
Refugee: a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
History.com is a great resource to learn about World War II. It has articles, primary sources, photos and videos relating to World War II in different countries. It is important for students to understand the context behind the story if they do not yet have a firm grasp on World War II
The BBC has a video and article about Author and Illustrator Ed Young about his time living in China during the war. It gives a never before seen insight into Young's art work and process of creating a book

The BBC has a video and article about Author and Illustrator Ed Young about his time living in China during the war. It gives a never before seen insight into Young's art work and process of creating a book
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