Copright ©2012
Published by: Henry Holt and Company
Reading level: Grades 3-5
Grade Level Equivalent: 5.5
Lexile Measure: 900L
Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading: W
Genre: Autobiogrphy, Biography
Description: This book showcases how Thomas influenced the technology we have today and the things he invented.
5 Words/Phrases to Describe the Book: Technology, Innovation, Music, Pictures, Science.
Suggested Delivery: Independent Reading/Research
Technology to Enhance Learning:
http://www.thomasedison.com has more information about Thomas Edison for students to do research on.
http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/thomas-edison also has videos, pictures, and information to further study Thomas Edison.
Before During and After Reading:
Before Reading:
Ask students to brainstorm what technology they use every day. You can make a list in class if the whole class is reading the book.
During Reading:
Have students identify key vocabulary words and define them to enhance comprehension.
After Reading:
As an exit slip ask students why they think the author wrote this book. Have the students write down their answers and share them in class.
Kiln: a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially one for calcining lime or firing pottery.
Transmit: cause (something) to pass on from one place or person to another.
Patent: a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.
Projector: an object that is used to project rays of light, especially an apparatus with a system of lenses for projecting slides or film onto a screen.
Transmitter: a set of equipment used to generate and transmit electromagnetic waves carrying messages or signals, especially those of radio or television.
Birthplace: the place where a person was born.
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